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tv   News 4 New York at Noon  NBC  October 1, 2015 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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>> thank you. head to long island and the phones for storm trouble there is. news 4's long island reporter, greg cergol, live in beth page with preparations. greg? >> reporter: dave this warehouse behind me the place where nassau county has been mobilizing equipment and supplies for joaquin and everyone is hoping that rescue vehicles like this one won't be needed over the next couple of days but officials say hoping for the best and preparing for the storm are two very different things. in a county ravaged nearly three years ago by sandy, nassau county officials are delivering a simple message about joaquin. >> be prepared. get ready it could happen. >> reporter: the county executive says your preparation should include a so-called go kit, a radio, flashlight, battery, water, food and medical supplies. and be prepared to evacuate, if asked. >> posthurricane sandy, those that may not have headed the warns and evacuations will be
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and move out of those areas. >> reporter: new rescue vehicles like this are being rolled out for joaquin. vehicles that will allow first responders to plow through high water to get to stranded residents. in fact, all local municipalities say they have upgraded the tools needed to respond to storms. the sandy experience, they say, has made everyone better prepared for whatever comes our way. >> you prepare and you hope that it doesn't happen and at the end of the day, it is at least, at minimum, a very important drill for residents who, in fact, live on an island. >> reporter: let's hope it's just a drill, other points officials are urging to resident, prepare your generators, and of course, gas up your cars, just in case the power goes out at gas stations. officials say long island is better prepared today than it was before sandy, but our electric system is still very vulnerable to a big storm like
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we're in bethpage today, greg cergol, news 4, new york. >> track the storms any time and get alerts sent right to your phone. just download our nbc four new york app to your phone or tablet. new at noon, a harsh report is out blaming the nypd for failing to give its officers clear-cut guidelines on with what constitutes excessive force. this comes as the city's top cop is set to unveil strict new guidelines for all officers. news 4's katherine creag is in lower manhattan with those details. ka it? >> reporter: harsh is right. during the press conference here -- [ no odd audio ] >> the guide also doesn't -- [ no audio ] >> we have not seen a detailed plan for proper training, even
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of most major departments. and discipline remains . >> nypd's current use of force policy is vague, but nowhere in the guide is force defined. the guide also doesn't clarify what constitutes excessive force. >> we apologize. obviously having technical issues with that report. commissioner bratton has a news conference scheduled this afternoon to present crime stats and may hear more reaction. other news, tears and heartache for one new jersey community saying goodbye to the high school quarterback who died after a game. evan murray's funeral was held a short time ago at the safe discovery church in washington township. students krind consoled each other yesterday outside his wake. the 17-year-old honor student died last friday of massive internal bleeding after a ruptured spleen.
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everyone could attend the service. take a look here, chopper four over a scene this morning on route 486 in fairfield. the flames erupting around 5:30. most of the burned cars are used vehicles, we are told, returned by people who had leased them. about to go up for auction. have to dig deeper on your pockets for a bus or train in new jersey, a new fare hike kicked in this morning, the fifth increase for commuters since 2002. the monthly rail pass for metro park to penn station increased $26 to $310. and a bus trip from lakewood to port authority went up $1.50 to $19. some commuters say with all the recent delays because of repairs, the service is not worth the increase. >> this is horrible when it's the service, you know? i got locked out of the service elevator, i couldn't come down, to climb don't stairs, it was really hard. >> commuters also tell news 4 ticket machines inside the stations are having problems, causing longer lines and making
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we want to go back now to katherine creag on that harsh report out blaming the nypd for failing to give its officers clear-cut guidelines on excessive force. ka it? >> reporter: right, shiba this is where the press conference happened. the department of investigation. and? the report, about 100 pages long. we want to show you some clips from that press conference. in it -- in the report, it shows the nypd failed to properly train its officers at deescalating use of forces confrontations. it says. nypd doesn't track these types of encounters and civilian complaints against certain cops often end with no one being discipline disciplined. they looked at use of force cases between 2010 and 2014 and in that time frame, the report says the nypd decided not to punish officers in 37 of 104 cases where there was evidence of excessive force. also, the arrest of former tennis pro james blake, a case of mistaken i.d., we are told this type of incident fits the criteria. it would not have been
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documented by the nypd because blake was later released and cleared of any wrongdoing. we are awaiting a press conference by police commissioner bratton on new guidelines that nypd will be releasing. also a press -- a statement from the police union president, pat lynch, a lengthy statement, reads, more paperwork coupled with the shortage of police officers and continued second-guessing of their actions is a formula for disaster. as shiba pointed out, a harsh report. even an inspector general for the nypd during the press conference here said the police department is living in the dark ages. reporting live, katherine creag, news 4, new york. >> all right, kat, we will see what the commissioner says later. russia launches more air strikes inside syria but which side are they targeting? also, new rules for credit cards. what you need to know about the chips instead of the swipes. and we done to track hurricane joaquin as it churns through the bahamas.
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rafael's complete forecast is up next. coming up today on no, live, we are checking out some of the city's coolest spots with one of new york's best soccer players. author and tv journalist joan lunden is stopping by and cute puppies ready to be adopted in our weekly pet project on "new york live" at 12:30. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, t t you may know it only covers about 80% t t of your part b medical expenses.
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the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicarep p supplement insurance plans, it could save younin out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. ri've been with my doctor for 12 years. r now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ]rrr you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospitalnthat accepts medicare patients. p p plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referralsvvv needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp.
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russian car planes carried out a second day of air strikes in syria today. you are looking at video released by russia's defense ministry and it claims russian jets destroyed 12 isis targets, including a command center and ammunition depot in the northwest city. but the bombard.sdidn't appear to be in areas held by isis forces, russia is targeting opposition forces backed by the u.s., they believe. benjamin netanyahu has just taken the podium at the united nations general assembly. take you to a live picture now of the prime minister speaking on the there are of the u.n. he will likely respond to comments made yesterday by his palestinian counterpart, accusing him of undermining
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peace efforts. prime minister netanyahu may speak about the proposed nuclear deal with iran. hillary clinton attends a fund-raiser at a substance abuse forum today in boston, happening while the controversy over her e-mails fires up and word that russian hackers try to get into her private server where she stored the e-mails. the clinton's campaign is breached. homeland security secretary jeh johnson is apologizing for the latest misstep by the secret service, the apparent breach of a congressman's privacy. an inspector general's report says agents improperly accessed a file on congressman jason chaff gets. he applied work for the agency and he is leading an service. agents threatened to release what they felt was embarrassing information about him. in today's money report -- >> stocks are -- about to find out from josh lipton, join us from cnbc's global headquarters with that and more. hello, josh. hello there as you guys mentioned, u.s. stocks trading lower today, the first day of
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that as investors waiting declines here in apple and biotech stocks. strategists expect the stock market to stay jittery as investors look ahead to the jobs report tomorrow morning. in business knew the big three carmakers, general motors, ford and the u.s. operations of fiat chrysler reported a jump in september sales that says cheap gas and low interest rates fuel demand. gm says sales in september rose 12%. ford saying sales climbed 23%. finally, companies big and small are getting ready for a change in their credit and debit card systems. starting today, credit card issuers will shift responsibility for fraudulent transactions to merchants. the new cards are called emv and include a microchip meant to reduce fraud. swiping the magnetic strips of traditional credit and debit cards eventually will be phased out. guys, back to you. >> all right, josh, thank you so much. i wonder if that applies for --
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i guess it applies for the cabs too, right? when you're in the back seat, do the little swipe, now you got to put it in the little -- the little thing there? >> try it out. see what happens. >> everybody is talking about hurricane joaquin, but another system on its way before hurricane joaquin even comes close. >> a stalled out front offshore, why you notice a pattern change, it is very cool outside, breezy, kind of raw and low pressure going to ridealong that front over the next couple of day well in advance of joaquin, coastal flooding going on, it is going to be windy, high wind watch in affect. all of that, but go back to joaquin first and talk more about the potential scenarios. again, i last left you with track number one, which does take joaquin out to sea. again, 50% chance of this happening, especially the latest computer model, this is the trend and a great trend. we hope it happens but still need to be ready for track number two. and that would be the worst-case scenario scenario, walk keen making landfall in the northeast around new york city, monday late in
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moderate chance of this happening. still, again, several days away, 30% chance, woe see the major impacts, damaging winds, flooding, power outages and severe coastal flooding. track number three, this was the track that we were expecting to happen most likely. now it has diminished significantly, see a mid-atlantic land fall around the carolinas of virginia. as of the latest information now, a slight chance for this track to happen, even if it does happen, we would see some of the effects of the outer fringes in terms of winds and maybe still power outages. we will have to see again. everyone is rooting for out to sea at this point. stormtracker shows some light showers off to the south and east. it is breezy. it is cloudy, not a lot of sunshine today. it's cool. much cooler than yesterday. temperatures in the 50s right now. 58 in emerson, 58, poughkeepsie. generally low 60s around the city as warm as it will get today. these temperatures stay in the chilly and raw 50s and 60s, very breezy as well. winds get worse tomorrow into saturday.
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we have a high wind watch in effect for all of these towns right along the jersey shore. we could see winds gusting up to 55 to 60 miles per hour. that's strong enough to knock down trees and powerlines in some spots so we have to watch out for that. this is nothing to do with whack keeb, well in advance, our first area of low pressure, a tight pressure gradient here, coastal flooding advisory effect for new york city and the coastal suburbs, in effect now through 6 a.m. tomorrow, expecting minor tidal flooding and it gets worse. moderate flooding expected friday into saturday during the high tides a coastal flood watch in effect. coastal flooding well in advance of joaquin, something we will be dealing with. see the future wind gusts, gets very breezy later on tonight and especially into tomorrow, those winds gusting over 40 miles per hour down the jersey shore, strongest winds along the coast. of course, keep a very close eye on the track of hurricane joaquiners of the next several days. look at those temperatures. some raw a high temperature of
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only 56 degrees. periods of rain, especially tomorrow afternoon, some rain linger into the weekend and again, watching the potential track of joaquin over the next few days. you want to stay with us on social media and of course, janice huff will have the very latest on the track at 5:00. david and shiba, to you. >> rafael, stark contrast there in those temperatures. thank you. "new york live" next at 12:30. >> here are sara and jackie with what's ahead. hi. >> what's in store for this weekend's premiere of "saturday night live"? we have the outrageous miley cyrus promos and a chat with cast member, amy bryant. take in a city like a super talented new york soccer star? of course you do tacking along with chris winger for a tour of his favorite things to do in the big apple, that and more here at 12:30. bhancht >> what a great smile. >> gets a lot of those gigs. >> she is lucky a lucky lady. >> she is. >> all right. coming up next, find out where the one winning ticket to the huge powerball jackpot was
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plus, could it spark a family feud? what one couple received in the mail after missing a relative's
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i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, t t you may know it only covers about 80% t t of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicarep p supplement insurance plans, it could save younin out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide.
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for 12 years. r now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ]rrr you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospitalnthat accepts medicare patients. p p plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referralsvvv needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. if you are deathly afraid of height, do not look out here, a glass floor bridge at a national geobrim in china. >> is 984 feet long and hangs over a canyon 600 feet deep. designers changed the original wooden floor that was planned. >> that looks like a scary walk. >> yeah. tonight on news 4, new york, starting at 5:00, the latest forecast track for hurricane back keen.
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>> going to have much more on the preparations in new jersey, chopper four there over the beaches in ocean county a state of emergency has been declared there. they will wait before ordering evacuation. breaking news and weather updates any time, anywhere, logon to or our mobile app.
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happy thursday, everybody, welcome to "new york live." thank you so much for joining us on this gloomy, chilly day. can you believe it is october? >> you can. >> i can. >> insane. >> took forever. >> almost october. >> we have got a terrific show on the way to brighten things up. what does a handsome new york city soccer star do when he is not on the field? lauren, lucky girl, catching one chris winger for a few of his
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favorite things. >> do you want to adopt a puppy like my beloved? we have four doggies looking for new homes in this week's pet project. she is helping women everywhere by sharing stories of her courageous and successful battle with cancer. the one and only joan lunden in the house and playing with puppies already. >> smell like puppies. >> a good thing to smell like. some cute. >> we will talk to joan in just a moment. the sea is he premiere of "saturday night live" is two days away finally and fresh off her "vma" gig, miley cyrus will serve as host and musical guest this weekend. >> in typical miley fashion, the former "hannah montana" star is definitely pushing the envelope. along side cast member taron kill lamb in just-released promos. look at these. >> i'm miley cyrus all be your host and musical guest on this week's season premiere of "saturday night live," with or without clothes, ot sure yet. >> with clothes. >> mostly. >> hi, i'm miley cyrus this week, i will be your host and
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musical guest on the season premiere of "snl." >> miley, i xpected to you wear something crazier. >> i don't do that all the time. >> now i feel like i look stupid. >> oh is that one of your -- >> no. >> okay. i'm looking at her earrings, like are those giantl mushrooms or trees? but i love it when she is on "snl", it is such an intimate venue, i ove her voice more than anything. she has a great voice. >> people talk about the crazy things she does, she is so talented, too. dwon't be boring. earlier today, i caught up with cast member aiddy bryant emfor thoughts on the new season this week's host and who she would pick as her ultimate dream host. >> is she pushing the envelope? with miley, we have to expect that. >> yeah. i me an, she is truly like a creative force and that's the kind of thing that really works at this show. so i'm just so excited to see what she does. yeah. >> so, if you could pick one host, your dream host --
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>> whoa. >> who would it be? >> i would love for amy poler to come back. she -- i was like her super fan. so, i would love for her to come back and host while i'm here. that's selfish though. >> no, it's not. we all want her to come back. >> good. good. she was so cute and so sweet and talked about liking being back and not the newbie, not a veteran, this is her fourth season. this sounds like a really boring answer, too, but i love justin timberlake as the host and the musical guest, he is so good. >> so good. >> who would your dream host be? >> carol burnett. carol rnet tat. >> excellent one. i will take that one, too. >> that would be my ultimate, ultimate. >> come on, lauren. carol burnett. we sides miley, other big-name hosts include it girl, amy schumer and, of course, huge return of tracy morgan. all can't wait to see. >> i can't wait to see both of those. interested to see how amy schumer does, too, i love everything she does. she is really funny. she pushes the envelope, too. >> sketch comedy show it will be great.
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